Pokemon Go Tips and Tricks: How to find Pokemon and level up faster
Pokemon Go released last week and the gaming world couldn’t be going more “cray cray” over it. The augmented reality game has fans swooning about the everything in the game. Here are a few tips for you to be able to flaunt a good army.
The idea of the game is for users to capture as many creatures as they can, and fill their PokeBox. However, it is not always possible to leave the house or work (for the sane ones like me) at all hours to go looking for Arbok or Mr. Mime (I’d do it for Pikachu or Kadabra). So here’s our first tip: use incense.
By using incense, you can lure the Pokemon to near you. Once they are near you, you can poke the ball at them and procure them. However incense is extremely rare, so if you need to use them, make sure they’re worth it. Even gyms don’t have much.
Capturing new creatures gives you experience, and capturing new ones that haven’t been or are rarely seen, gets you even more. Getting more experience means getting better at training (isn’t that what everything is about!).
While actively battling to gain control of gyms, it is easy to forget about things like hatching eggs. You can just walk around for it to hatch. After hatching, it does not require any effort. One might as well forget about it until it happens.
Speaking of eggs, ‘Hola’ to the level nine readers. As soon as you reach here, you’ll start seeing a lucky egg. This one doubles all the XP you get for the next 30 minutes. The key is to be able to make the most of it. It would be great if you could evolve all your Pokemon (especially Rattata).
Alright now, all those who have been playing for long, please turn away (or if you wanna clear the cache and create a new id, be my guest), because this is going to burn! When you get the usual option of Charmander or Bulbasaur for your first Pokemon, you might think that they’re great, but things would be much better with Pikachu. It is possible. Run away from them. Literally. If you do this at least four times, the game will figure out that they aren’t what you want, and give you the option of Pikachu. Thank me later!