
Apple iPhone 6S more waterproof than previous iPhones

CUPERTINO, CA- Apple Inc. (NASDAQ: AAPL) A new video surfaced online suggesting that the new iPhone 6S 2015 model is more waterproof than all of its predecessors.

Waterproof capabilities on the iPhone line-up have been a missing feature for ninth consecutive generations, while Android devices from rivals such as Sony and Samsung have excelled at water resistance.

Though, iFixIt, a website that has been tearing down major technological gadgets for years now showcasing features we did not know existed, has figured out that the new iPhone 6S has been significantly improved when it comes to water defence, compared to previous iterations.

To put this into perspective, the folks over at iFixit have found a ‘bizarre adhesive’ holding the screen in place besides the actual screws. After scrutinizing the material, chances were that it had mostly something to do with waterproofing the phone, rather than simply keeping the screen tight to it. Further digging in has revealed that every single connector on the logic board was covered with a silicone seal.

In addition to that, Apple filed a patent for waterproof silicon seals earlier in the year, so the puzzle does make more sense now.

For those who are preparing to put the device under the tap, refrain from doing so, as a visit to your local Apple Store will become essential. These new silicone seals that have been integrated into the iPhone enhance protection against water splashes and similar less terrifying accidents, not long swims at the Pacific.

Furthermore, the Cupertino giant and iFixit’s relations have been deteriorating, since Apple pulled the service’s application off the App Store, after the website teared down a developer kit of Apple TV. iFixt issued a statement regarding the event:

We weighed the risks, blithely tossed those risks over our shoulder, and tore down the Apple TV anyway.

A few days later, we got an email from Apple informing us that we violated their terms and conditions — and the offending developer account had been banned. Unfortunately, iFixit’s app was tied to that same account, so Apple pulled the app as well. Their justification was that we had taken “actions that may hinder the performance or intended use of the App Store, B2B Program, or the Program.”

The particular upgrade might not be that fancy compared to the one provided by the rest of the competition, though it is definitely an indication that Apple is making efforts to make its smartphone more durable against such misfortunate incidents.

Source: iFixIt YouTube

Trina Hancock

Section editor at Technology News Extra.

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