Climate experts warns El Nino effects as next two years will be the hottest ever
Britain’s top climate and weather body said in a report on Monday that this year and the next, are going to be terrifyingly warmer than the previous ones, due to the manmade global warming that doesn’t seem to slow down its rates as many hope. Those who find climate scientists to be exaggerating about this phenomenon will probably change their minds, after reading the findings of this report.
The research forecasts the arrival of what is called El Nino and it supports that it could be as bad as in the year 1997-98. This can cause deadly mudslides, crippling droughts and extreme weather conditions all around the world.
In 2016 the temperature will break a third consecutive record – last one was in 2014. And that is not the end of it, as at the same time, temperature will start rising at higher rates pushing the world into extreme heat.
Professor Adam Scaife, of the Met Office Hadley Centre, stated “Global mean temperatures in 2014, 2015 and 2016 are likely to be at or near record levels… It is now likely that decadal warming rates will reach late 20th century levels in the next couple of years. A lot of these things can occur without the influence of human beings. However, they are now occurring on top of the influence coming from man’s activity, so when they occur, when the El Niño comes and raises the global temperature, that is the icing on the cake, that is the extra bit that creates a record.”
El Nino has already had a rough impact on the Indian monsoon season while according to the latest news some mudslides have been spotted in the States. Those kind of events (aka El Nino events) usually last from nine months up to two years. So prepare yourselves…Winter is coming.