
How To Fix Api-Ms-Win-Crt-Runtime-L1-1-0.Dll Missing

One of the frequent mistakes arising recently among users of Windows 7, 8.1 and 8 — the message that launch of the program is impossible as api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll is absent on the computer.

In this instruction there is step-by-step description of the causes of this mistake and how to download the api-ms- win-crt- runtime-l1- 1-0.dll file from the official site Microsoft to fix thereby a problem at launching of programs.

What is the Cause of api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll Missing Error on Windows 7,8,10

The error message appears at start of those programs or games which use function of the universal environment of C (CRT) of Windows 10, and are started in the previous versions of operating system — Windows 7, 8, Vista. Most often it happens for Skype, programs like Adobe and Autodesk, Microsoft Office and many others.

How To Fix Api-Ms-Win-Crt-Runtime-L1-1-0.Dll Missing

In order for such programs to make started and didn’t cause messages about api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll is missing on the computer, the specified versions of Windows the KB2999226 update integrating necessary functions in the systems preceding Windows 10 has been released.

The mistake arises if this updating hasn’t been established or there was a failure during installation of some files of extended Visual C ++ 2015, being a part of the specified updating.

How to Download api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll Origin File

The correct method would be to download the api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll file and to fix an error in two possible ways:

  • Installation of the KB2999226 update from the official Microsoft site.
  • If it is already set, then reinstallation (or installation in case of absence) of Visual C++ 2015 components (Visual C++ 2017 libraries can be also required), which are also available on the official site.

You can download update on the (select the necessary version from the list on the second part of the page, at the same time consider that x86 for 32-bit systems you need to download x86 version).

How To Fix Api-Ms-Win-Crt-Runtime-L1-1-0.Dll Missing

In case when installation of update did not solve a problem, do the following:

  • Enter the Control Panel — Programs and Features. If at the list there are Extended Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable (x86 and x64) components, delete them (to do that, press the Delete button).
  • Download again components from the official Microsoft site and at the same time download also x86 and x64 versions of an installer if you have a 64-bit system.

Important: for some reason the specified link does not always works (sometimes gives out that the page is not found). If that happens, just type “download visual C++ latest version” in Google and enter the first link leading to domain.

Launch at first one, then other downloaded file and install components.

After the installation of necessary components, check whether the error api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll is missing by having another try to launch the program. If the error remains, repeat the same for the Visual C++ 2017. Good luck.

Deepak Elves

Founder of Technology News Extra.

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