
Google Fiber to join three new cities

MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA- Google Inc. (NASDAQ: GOOG) Google has announced the next three cities that will be joining the list of candidates for its super-fast Internet service, the Google Fiber.

Which cities are on the list?

The current cities whose approval for the Fiber program is till pending are: Portland, Ore., San Jose, Calif. and Phoenix.

Irvine, Calif., San Diego and Louisville, K.Y. are the new players that the search giant mentioned at the official Google Fiber blog.


Here is what Google said about the matter:

Today, we’re inviting three more cities—Irvine, CA, Louisville, KY, and San Diego, CA—to work with us to explore bringing Google Fiber to their communities. Our next step is to begin a joint planning process with city leaders, just as we did when we began working with nine metro areas last year.

What is Google Fiber, availability and pricing

We all know that Google Fiber is an ultra-fast Internet service, but is it something more than that? In a nutshell, Fiber is Google’s fiber-to-the-premises service in the US, providing cable TV besides broadband internet as well.

The service was unveiled in December 2012 and has circulated to a very limited number of cities throughout the States, though as the project is developing the increase rate of candidates will grow respectively.

As of March 2015, Google stated that 27,000 people from the three areas that Fiber is available have subscribed to it. These three areas are Austin, Tex., Kansas City, and Provo, UT. Fiber retails for US$70 per month.

Google’s website for Fiber offers a handful of information regarding plans and availability, while visitors can check if their address is eligible for the service. Moreover, the web page provides an app where people can see how Fiber stands out compared to the rest standard internet speeds, by conducting a series of tests.

Sources: Google Fiber blog, Fiber.Google

Joshua White

Reporter at Technology News Extra.

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