
Google Boosts Scheduling Services With Timeful Acquisition

Google has announced that it has reached a deal for the acquisition of Timeful, a scheduling iOS app that syncs with your calendar. Timeful uses machine learning, data analysis and behavioral science to create a digital calendar optimized for time management. The company was founded by Yoav Shoham Dan Ariely, and Jacob Bank and was launched last June. In a blog post, Google said. “Timeful is joining the Google family to help make getting things done in your life even easier.” The amount that Google is paying for the deal remains undisclosed.

The proliferation of mobile phones and greater access to technology have made it easier than ever to get things done quickly and effortlessly and Timeful takes full advantage of that. Timeful’s combined to-do list and calendar app goes well above and beyond what those types of apps normally do. The Timeful team has built an impressive program to help consumers organize their lives by automating their schedule based on their habits and needs.

The app takes predictive algorithm-style learning and expertly applies it to time management. The app takes priority to-do list items, along with things that users indicate they want to do, and schedules them around calendar events, eliminating much of the work required to use a time management app. Its 19-person team will now focus on adapting the technology and applying it to Google products. The app will still be available on iOS but it won’t see further updates. There was never an Android edition of the app.

The strategic purchase of Timeful may have Google’s apps doing even more of our thinking for us. Timeful’s technology will be incorporated into many of Google’s services, including Gmail, Calendar, and Google Docs, to make them more efficient at organizing and scheduling events. Google’s services are already able to extract events from your emails and automatically add them to your calendar so it will be interesting to see how they will benefit from the new technology.

Deepak Elves

Founder of Technology News Extra.

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