
Huge Speed Increase for the Web Due to Secret Alliance

BrowsersUsing new technology and a unique collaboration between browser makers, web performance could become much faster. For years, there has been a noted divide between browser makers but now it appears that an alliance is forming.

Based on the unusual partnership between major rivals, internet users could have a much different and faster online experience. For several months, engineers of browsers revealed WebAssembly, a project that will blend the incredible reach of the World Wide Web with speed of a software program developed specifically to run natively on Apple’s iOS, Google’s Android, and Microsoft’s Windows, as well as other operating systems.

If WebAssembly reaches its expected potential, the very foundation of the computing industry will changed. A team from Mozilla’s Firefox along with Microsoft support and a team from Google’s Chrome have discovered a way that people can browse the internet faster. In addition, WebAssembly would make the online experience when loading certain applications more seamless and effortless.

Being called “WASM” for short, this collaboration would provide developers with a high performance alternative to JavaScript, which in turn would benefit everyone. By working together, expert browser engineers strongly believe WebAssembly will become the mainstream solution sometime within the near future.

Using WASM, an entirely new class of software for virtual reality, high-intensity gaming, and video editing could be written as browser-based versions. As stated by Yevgeniy Shpika, co-founder of Pics.io, a well-respected browser-based site for photo editing, having WebAssembly as an option would be amazing, not to mention saving at minimum 20% of the company’s budget.

Typically, new Web standards start with a single browser maker that convenes with others for support but with WebAssemply, support would be provided from the get-go from four of the top browsers to include Apple, Google, Microsoft, and Mozilla. The outcome will be extremely fast online applications.

However, as some insiders point out, liberating programmers would also lessen the hold that Google and Apple currently have on the technology industry. As a result, smaller, new, and struggling mobile operating systems such as Windows Phone and BlackBerry OS would have the same opportunities as the big players.

Without question, WebAssembly is a complete break from tradition. The way a program is written today for the Web involves the employment of JavaScript, a language used for the past two decades. Although widely successful, it has held the Web back in a number of ways. Within the past several years, many developers have turned to C and C++ languages for converting games and other forms of software.

Even at the most basic level, WebAssembly will allow browsers to run software written in C, C++, and a variety of other languages differently. Even Filip Pizlo, WebKit developer with Apple filed a request to support WebAssembly in that company’s Safari.

Renee Kreller

Reporter at Technology News Extra.

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