
Jailbreak community struggles to Jailbreak iOS 9.0.2

CUPERTINO, CA- Apple Inc. (NASDAQ: AAPL) The jailbreak community is struggling to develop a jailbreak method for the new iOS 9.

Apple seems to be picking up the pace by releasing one update after the other. The latest update of the iOS 9, the 9.0.2, has arrived and Apple has brought along with it a couple of changes that is not clear yet whether they’ve been made for better or worse.

To start with, jailbreaking the new iOS 9.0.2 is the hardest jailbreak ever required up to this date, at least according to online news outlet International Business Times. And it’s not like this is the first time.

From the beginning of iOS, various communities have made things a lot easier for Apple users, by circulating all jailbreaks hand in hand with each new update. But as the versions of the iOS progress, so does the level of difficulty to penetrate into the actual OS, and apparently now we’ve reached to a point where Apple gets the lead.

The Cupertino tech giant is now one step ahead of all the jailbreakers, which essentially means that all other Apple users who wish to get more control over their device, will either have to wait a bit longer, or accept the fact that the era of jailbreak is probably closing to an end.

MUST READ: Apple ceases downgrading from iOS 9.0 to iOS 8.4.1

And that’s – not – all “folks”. Tech blog PocketNow claims that downgrading from the iOS 9.0.2 to any previous version is not possible, a statement that creates a lot of fuss, as Apple has always made this option available for all previous version of its operating system.

Yet, those of you who have updated to the 9.0.2 version and wish to downgrade due to bugs or simply personal preferences, will have to wait until Apple releases a newer version – hopefully one that allows users to jump back and forth between iOS versions.

For the time being, all our hands are tied both for communities who strive to jailbreak the iOS 9.0.2 and customers who are trapped in the new version. So the next best thing to do is wait to see how Apple handles the matter from here.

Besides, let’s not forget that given the current rate of updates that are being pushed, the company seems to be following Microsoft’s policy with the Windows 10 and all the frequent updates seen over there.

Toi Williams

When it comes to professional writers, very few match the level of Toi Williams. Although she has only been a published writer for 10 years, During that time her work has impacted millions of readers. Today, the majority of Toi’s work focuses on technology, personal finance and finance-related topics although she delves into the world of healthcare as well. Toi is originally from Columbus, Ohio, having grown up with a father who was a prolific writer and professor, and a mother who was a business executive.

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