
The Largest Open University in the World – IGNOU

Indira Gandhi National Open University is a “People’s University”. Being the largest Open University in the world, IGNOU is a student’s university. It imparts education through distance and open learning. Its main aim is to educate the disadvantageous group of people. It also encourages, coordinates and set standards for distance and open education in India and strengthens the human resources of India through education.

Anyone can get enrolled and get a degree from IGNOU. People who are working or studying can take up a distance learning courses from the university and strengthen themselves and strife for a better future for themselves. IGNOU is approved by AICTE and Association of Indian Universities (AIU).

Largest Open University in the World - IGNOU

Did you know?

IGNOU serves to over 3 million students in India, the headquarters, and 40 other countries abroad. It has over 21 schools and a network of 67 regional centers, 2667 study centers, and 29 overseas centers. About 20% of all students enrolled in higher education in India are enrolled with IGNOU. It offers 226 academic programs comprising courses at certificate, diploma and degree levels.

Indira Gandhi National Open University has also launched four new Direct-To-Home channels for interactive and multimedia learning in an effort to increase its reach to a large number of students. They leave no stone unturned to educate India and reach out to the maximum no. of people in all possible ways.

IGNOU Divisions

The Indira Gandhi National Open University has the eleven divisions under them, to give a wide range of courses. The divisions are:

  • Academic and Coordination Division
  • Administrative Division
  • Construction and Maintenance
  • Computer Division
  • International Division
  • Finance and Accounts Division
  • Library and Documentation Division
  • Material Production and Distribution
  • Planning and Development Division
  • Regional Services Division
  • Student Evaluation Division

Programs Offered

It also conducts various programs so as to aware the people and educate them on various levels. The programs are:

  • IGNOU-UNESCO Gender Training Project: This gender training program gives you a chance to upgrade your knowledge and skills in the crucial area of gender and development. If you are already engaged in gender training or you want to become a gender trainer, you can sign up at the learning program, which is in association with UNESCO
  • Construction Workers Vocational Qualification (CWVQ) Project: This project aims at providing proficiency based vocational training, assessment and certification through the distance mode for skill development of construction workers. Builders’ Association of India (BAI), National Building Construction Corporation (NBCC) and National Academy of Construction (NAC), Hyderabad helps the university to implement this program.

Performance Evaluation

A three-stage process is followed to evaluate the performance of a student. The steps that are followed:

  • Self-Assessment: It believes that it is highly important that a student evaluates themselves first. But the marks of this section are not taken in their total marks.
  • Evaluation through Assignments: It gives regular assignments, and evaluates them. These marks include 25% to 30% marks in your total marks
  • Term-End Examination (TEE): At the ends of the course a term- end examination is conducted and evaluated. These marks include 30% to 75% in your total marks.

IGNOU gives two types of assignments. One Computer Marked Assignments (CMA) which is sent to the campus while the Tutor Marked Assignments (TMA) is sent to the respective study centers.

In order to assess the performance of students, the University conducts the term-end examination in the June & December every year. They can check the IGNOU Results year-wise by simply providing their enrollment number.

The University also holds the on demand exams of the 135 courses covering 50 programs in total. The University gives the option to its students that they can opt to write their exams anytime when they feel like they are completely prepared for the same (but they have to complete the minimum period of study). The on demand exams are also conducted in the months of June & December only.

There are certain courses for which IGNOU provides with the degree to the enrolled students, but all admission & examination proceedings have been governed by the respective community colleges in which that particular course is offered. The result for the same is available on the result portal.

Deepak Elves

Founder of Technology News Extra.

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