The Indian market witnessed the launch of Lenovo K6 Power on Tuesday. This is one of the cheapest 4G-enabled phone of the year. The Lenovo K6 Power is priced at Rs 9,999 and will be exclusively available on Flipkart from December 06, 12 pm IST. The company has launched the phone in three different colors—Gold, Silver, and Dark Grey—and it comes with a 3GB RAM along with 32GB internal memory.
What do we expect from a 10K-range phone? Well, as Lenovo has already set the bars high, we expect more from the company. The new smartphone has a 5-inch full HD display along with Corning Gorilla Glass. It runs on a 1.4GHz octa-core Snapdragon processor along with Android 6.0 Marshmallow. Speaking about the camera, the front camera comes with a power of 8MP and the rear camera comes with 13MP. Now the interesting thing is both the cameras come with a Sony IMX sensor. Interesting features… Right??? There is more on the list.
Speaking of other features, the phone comes with a large battery of 4000mAH. Supporting this comes the Dolby Atmos sound system for stereo speakers and earphones along with a fingerprint sensor that is located at the rear panel.
As always, Lenovo did not fail to surprise us this time as well. With a price tag of Rs 9,999, the Lenovo K6 Power is in a true sense the power pack piece. If you are looking for a budget smartphone within a range of 10K, then the K6 Power is surely your thing.
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