
Microsoft: New Xbox One controllers will be remappable

REDMOND, WA- Microsoft Corp. (NASDAQ: MSFT) The tech giant announced that its Xbox One controllers will be upgraded thus being remappable.

According to the latest turn of events, the Windows 10 powered Xbox One dashboard is not the only new feature that Xbox fans are eagerly waiting for.

First we heard that Microsoft’s Elite controller for Xbox One will be remappable, which means that users will be able to customize their gameplay as much as they wish to. However, the Elite controller doesn’t come cheap. It costs $150 in the US and goes up to $200 in other countries, so many gamers will be sceptical about whether the value for money is something they can keep up to.

Thankfully for all Xbox One owners though, the company’s director, Mike Ybarra, responding to a follower on Twitter who is in the closed beta for the Xbox One’s new user interface, said today that configuration options are “coming for all controllers soon.

In more details, StavEllis tweeted:

“@XboxP3 @XboxQwik why is the controller configuration only for elite? Such a good feature PS has it as standard we do we have to pay out?”

And soon got the response by Mr. Ybarra:

“@StavEllis @XboxP3 It’s coming for all controllers soon,”

Stav’s tweet started as part of a question made to Microsoft by fans, asking why the company charged for the remapping feature, whereas Sony has already made it available for all PlayStation gamers.

Truth be spoken, the said feature should have been available quite some time ago, since not only is it freeing for gamers who wish to adopt a different gaming style, but it also works as a solution for physically-impaired players.

The date that the remapping feature will be available remains a secret like all the rest of the details. All we know is that it is set to hit the shelves soon.

And that’s not the end of it. EG points out that Microsoft will also add background music to the Xbox One, a feature that will finally bring the Xbox closer to the rival Play Station 4, which had started to take the lead according to recent financial reports.

Deepak Elves

Founder of Technology News Extra.

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