TV Is Out; Mobile Is the New Small Screen in Town
Now that mobile has become available to more than 90% of the population, research papers published by a firm named Zinnov mentioned that TVs will be going out of trend and mobile will the new small screen. According to the report, 93% of time is spent using apps on mobile by the users. Whereas, 73% people have reduced their time that was spent on watching TVs. Instead, they have shifted to Internet.
The report by Zinnov reflects that the behavior of people has changed in the last two years. It says that 58% of the users access Internet via mobile phone only. Out of this 58%, 80% of people have an annual income less that Rs 5 lakh. This indicates that Internet and mobile have taken control of their lives.
The report also says that only 45% of users are unique in this country. There are 934 Million users actively using Internet in India. Out of this sum, as said by the report, only 45% are unique users. That means, the remaining users change their SIM card and services just to avail the Internet offers provided by various companies. The report further said that, 88% of the users that avail Internet on desktops as well as mobile have shifted their way back to mobile only.
So friends, this was obvious. Eventually, mobile will be overtaking each and every gadget. It is just a matter of time for the launch of a unique gadget that will overtake mobile as well.